Une programmation en avril, mai & juin 2022
Récemment ajoutés
À l’affiche / Now on Eventive

(Alec Pronovost)

(Sébastien Pilote)

(Nicolas Vanier)
Sélection Spira:
To watch a movie, go to Eventive on VOP Channel. / Les programmes seront accessibles avec votre compte (gratuit) que vous créez sur Eventive. / All the programs are available once you have created an account at your first visit on Eventive (free account). You’ll be able to buy individual tickets.
Please note : When some screenings are scheduled to stop at 23h30 (11:30 pm), you can buy your ticket before that time, unlock it and you’ll have 24 hours to watch it.

(Saïda Ouchaou-Ozarowski)

(Sylvie Ohayon)

(Olivier Peyon)
Vous pouvez faire une recherche pour les articles sur le site ou vous rendre directement sur Eventive en cliquant sur les liens. / You can search on the website with a keyword, or go to Eventive to watch trailers and buy tickets.
Les films disponibles / available now to watch on Eventive:
La géolocalisation est déterminée par les distributeurs. La plupart sont accessibles en C.-B., en Alberta et au Yukon./ Some programs are geoblocked. See details on the Eventive virtual catalog:
*Geo-blocking : Please note that some of the online screenings are geo-blocked (restricted) to residents of Greater Vancouver, or BC/AB/YK, and some are available for viewing from across Canada. When you purchase a ticket for any show, you will be reminded about this restriction. You won’t have access to this film if you are outside of this region. Many rights-holders require restricted access to their films by limiting this to a particular country and/or state, province or territory.
*Time-restricted programs – Many film programs begin on Feb. 21st and will be available for viewing throughout the Festival until March 31st, 2022. .Some programs will be released during the Festival and will be available for a shorter duration. Please check the schedule.
Films qui ont été présentés sur Eventive entre février-mars 2022 (voir descriptions – pages archivées):

(Sergio Manfio)

(Chloé Robichaud)

(Marianne Farley)
Films qui ont été présentés sur Eventive entre mars et mai 2022 (voir descriptions – pages archivées):