Phil Comeau, Acadie, 2016, 80 min.
Synopsis: Sur la thématique de la résilience du peuple acadien, le chanteur Zachary Richard part en voyage de quête sur la pertinence de l’identité acadienne aujourd’hui au Canada et aux États-Unis. Il retrace le parcours fascinant de son héritage cherchant à comprendre comment l’histoire a façonné sa culture francophone.
Synopsis: World renowned Cajun singer Zachary Richard is on a quest to understand why Acadian and Cajuns are a resilient People and discover the pertinence of the Acadian identity today. Zachary traces the journey of his heritage in the Acadian regions of the Maritime provinces of Canada to discover the trials and tribulations of his Richard and Boudreaux family ancestors. Zachary returns to Louisiana to explore what has been kept in the culture from the Acadian heritage during the 250th anniversary celebrations of their arrival. Will he be capable of coming to terms with his past, to forgive and look towards the futur?
Dates de diffusion en ligne: du 6 au 14 février 2021 * prolongé