Joyce Borenstein, Québec, 2017, 26 min.
Synopsis : Lida Moser (1920-2014) photographe new-yorkaise, travaillant pour le magazine Vogue, a voyagé à travers le Québec pendant l’été 1950. Elle a pris plus de mille superbes photos d’une société et d’un pays sur le point de se moderniser. Soixante ans plus tard, Lida Moser se remémore ce voyage historique. À mesure qu’elle nous raconte son périple, le film déroule un entrelacement captivant de ses photos, du travail d’animation et de prises de vue en accéléré, tout en combinant sa voix aux enregistrements d’archives.
Synopsis : New York photographer Lida Moser (1920-2014), who worked for Vogue magazine, travelled across Quebec in the summer of 1950. She took over a thousand superb photos of a society and landscape on the cusp of modernization. Sixty years later, we hear Lida Moser reminisce about the historic road trip. The film interlaces her photos with animation and time lapse photography, and her voice is combined with archival voices from Quebec 1950.
‘‘Letting life come in,” and being open to experiment and chance, have been Moser’s aims throughout her long career. She wrote about it succinctly: ‘‘I yearn to capture the invisible, the breath of life, the heart-beat, and by whatever means; magic, technique and passion to strive to get it through the lens and onto the film…and pray that it will imprint itself on the negative.”
Dates de diffusion en ligne: du 4 au 14 février 2021