Paul Émile d’Entremont, Acadie, 2018, 80 min.
Synopsis : On brise l’omertà qui règne dans le sport amateur et professionnel concernant l’homosexualité. Au moyen d’une série de récits personnels émouvants, il examine le phénomène de l’homophobie dans les sports d’élite et parmi les étudiants-athlètes.
Synopsis : In both amateur and professional sports, being gay remains taboo. Few dare to come out of the closet for fear of being stigmatized, and for many, the pressure to perform is compounded by a further strain: whether or not to affirm their sexual identity. Breaking the code of silence that prevails on the field, on the ice and in the locker room, Paul Émile d’Entremont’s latest feature takes a fresh and often moving look at some of our gay athletes, who share their experiences with the camera. They’ve set out to overcome prejudice in the hopes of changing things for the athletes of tomorrow.
Dates de diffusion en ligne: du 4 au 14 février 2021