Visions Ouest Productions a lancé les 28e Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois et francophone le 18 février 2022 au SFU Woodward’s, 149 West Hastings Street à Vancouver. Une programmation en salle et en ligne est offerte aux cinéphiles jusqu’au 31 mars 2022.
Le film a été présenté sur Eventive du 3 au 31 mars + dans le cadre du Printemps des Rendez-vous (jusqu’au 12 avril 2022).
Un film de/A movie by Jocelyn Demers, Colombie-Britannique, 2021, 67 min. v.o.a
Synopsis: Climate Change Babies is an inspiring film for trailblazing parents around the world. During the Covid-19 pandemic, courageous and articulate moms, parents and grandparents from British Columbia , Canada are organizing and exchanging profound information about climate change and the importance of nature for their babies and children. When they feel afraid and anxious about the state of the planet, they have an antidote: Action!
À propos du film Climate Change Babies:
« Vancouver filmmaker Jocelyn Demers debuts his documentary Climate Change Babies, which takes a hopeful approach to the climate crisis by focusing on people taking action to secure a better future for their children.”