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IL Y A 10 ANS mon premier film a été primé au Festival International de l’Image Sous-Marine d’Antibes. Depuis, ma caméra tourne et capture mes rencontres...

10 YEARS AGO my first film received an award at the International Underwater Film Festival in Antibes, France. Since, my camera roll to capture the moment... Tonight I shall bring you diving in Indonesia and riding myEnfield motorbike along the East coast of India.

Thierry Damilano was born in 1954 in Le Mans, France. He has been a restaurant owner for 12 years. Former member of the Canadian sailing team, he was a pioneer in many sports such as windsurfing, ski telemarking and snow boarding. Self taught as a underwater video maker he films alpine climbing expeditions and travel videos. Thierry does corporate videos in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. He works alone and travels with light equipment sutch as a Sony camera XDCAMEX 1R, Aquatica underwater housing, a MacBook Pro with Final Cut Pro edition software.Along side video making Thierry’s organizes private Royal Enfield motorbike tours in India.

Samedi le 25 février / Sat. Feb. 25, 2012

**R.S.V.P. * Please reserve your tickets at info@rendez-vousvancouver.com Addtionnal screening to be announced
on rendez-vousvancouver.com

8:30 pm: Voyages - 10 ans déjà! SOLD OUT

*Contribution volontaire + carte de membre du Festival


Kyte fishing / La peche traditionelle avec un cerf volant (Indonesie 2002, 3’44) VO anglais

Plonger du bout des doigts (Indonesie 2002, 14’40) V anglais. Primé au festival International de l’image sous marine d’Antibes...Julio devenu aveugle à l’age de 25 ans, nous emmène dans son monde sous-marin...

Chai Sacre Ganga episode 3 (Inde 2005, 15’29) VO francais.. voyage initiatique d’une artiste le long du Gange. A ride along the Indian east cost (Inde 2011, 40’) VO anglais


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Mise à jour/ updated le 24 février 2012