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The Watershed Guardians of the Fraser River

CLOSING NIGHT FILM- director in attendance

Dimanche 10 fév. /Sun. Feb 10, 2019

at Goldcorp Centre for the Arts (Woodward's Complex)

149 W. Hastings St. Vancouver

Q & A with director Jocelyn Demers and Manon Gartside




7:00 pm

Un documentaire de Jocelyn Demers, Colombie-Britannique, 2017, 52 min.


The Watershed Guardians of the Fraser River by filmmaker, Jocelyn Demers, presents an in-depth view of the rich interactive ecosystems of the Fraser River Watershed and the people who champion their protection. Eye-catching photography and accompanying commentaries draw attention to the global significance of the watershed which supports the most productive salmon river in the world, endangered orcas, sturgeon, and Canada’s major stopover for millions of migrating birds of the Pacific Flyway.

Commentators share concerns that the river, which once brought natural prosperity, is now under threat from human activities and industrialization. Streams providing fresh water are being filled in. Gravel extraction, dredging, contamination, dumping and barriers along the river banks are polluting and altering water flows causing degradation of ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity. Recognizing that the river provides humans with clean water, food, health, recreation, and connectivity with nature, advocates work to restore and protect the health of the watershed.

This thought-provoking documentary is a call for action as there is so much to lose.


at Goldcorp Centre for the Arts (Woodward's Complex)

149 W. Hastings St. Vancouver


“The documentary outlined the locations of around 500 Fraser River doors and pumps, which, according to Demers, are like shredding machines, killing the fish that try to go through to get back to their streams.

Meanwhile, bird lives are also under threat as many migration routes are more or less in danger, including the Pacific Flyway, a major north-south flyway for migratory birds in America, extending from Alaska to Patagonia.”

Suivi d'une rencontre-discussion avec Jocelyn Demers et Manon Gartside/ followed by a Q & A.


"My last documentary is The Watershed  guardians of the Fraser River. This film presents an in-depth view of the rich, interactive ecosystems of the Fraser river watershed (Canada) and the people who champion their protection. Eye-catching photography and accompanying commentaries draw attention to the global significance of the watershed which supports the most productive salmon river in the world that supports orcas, sturgeon, and is Canada’s major stopover for millions of migrating birds of the Pacific flyway. With the participation of the Vancouver Aquarium, the David Suzuki Foundation and the UBC department of Geography." (Jocelyn Demers)



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Carte de membre obligatoire ($3) pour les 18 ans et plus. Vous devez la présenter à chaque fois pour vous procurer des billets. Elle sera valide jusqu'au 31 août 2019. Les cartes achetées en novembre 2018 seront remplacées par la nouvelle carte 2019

The $3 membership card (18 +) is mandatory for admission. You must show this card to attend a screeening or buy it at the door. If you have bought a membership card in November 2018, you'll receive a new one at your first screening (that card will be valid until August 31st, 2019).



Mis à jour 23 janvier 2019