Carte de membre obligatoire pour assister à une projection Mandatory membership card ($3) Achetez-la en ligne ou sur place / Buy it online or at the location Vous devrez la présenter à chaque projection présentée par VOP/ You must show this card to attend a screeening |
Under the law of our province, all attendees aged 18 or older must present their membership card. • Visions Ouest Productions is responsible for operating in compliance with the Motion Picture Act and Consumer Protection BC. • To attend a Visions Ouest Productions film screening (which may not have been classified by Consumer Protection BC), you must be a Visions Ouest Productions Festival member. • Membership is by annual subscription and is limited to persons who are 18 years of age or over. • Only members are permitted to be present at the place where a non-classified film is being exhibited. • Visions Ouest Productions mandate is the encouragement and appreciation of motion pictures as a medium of art, information or education. |
S.v.p. indiquez pour quelle catégorie & le titre du film Please choose the category & for which film(s)
Vous pouvez consulter votre panier et revenir sur le site en tout temps / You can see your shopping cart at any time and come back to buy more tickets.
Mis à jour le 22 février 2016