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Dimanche le 16 février / Sun. Feb. 16, 2014

6:00 pm

Stefan Miljevic, Québec, 2013, 1h48 (v.o.f. with E. subt.), avec Gabriel Sabourin, Louis Champagne,
Robin Aubert, Suzanne Clément, Fanny Maillette, Marie-Chantal Perron.




au Goldcorp Centre for the Arts - SFU Woodward's, 149 W Hastings

Dans une petite ville forestière comme tant d’autres, trois amis d’enfance décident de se payer une fin de semaine de rêve. En prétextant la tenue de leur voyage de pêche annuel, les trois chums s’éclipsent secrètement à Amsterdam pour un week-end de liberté totale… Mais au moment du retour, l’un des trois amis manque à l’appel… Commence alors la spirale infernale du mensonge dans laquelle leur amitié et leur apparente vie paisible voleront en éclats.

After telling their wives they’re departing on their annual fishing weekend, three childhood friends fly to Amsterdam with plans to drink plenty of alcohol, take drugs and spend time with prostitutes in the Red Light district. When the time comes to return home to Quebec, Sam decides he wants to stay there and rethink his future with Madeleine, who recently announced she was pregnant. To cover up for their friend, Jeff and Marc say he disappeared into the woods after a heated argument during the fishing trip. Marc’s wife Beatrice calls the police, who organize a search party. Simone, Sam’s psychologically fragile sister and the wife of Jeff, frantically puts all of her energy into the search for her missing brother, with unfortunate consequences.


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Mis à jour/ updated Feb.6, 2014