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du 16 au 26 février 2012 - 5-9 pm

dans le Hall de l’école Jules-Verne, 5445 Baillie Vancouver
dans le cadre du Festival de films en français de Vancouver

Les 18e Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois et francophone

Yann Jouannic (photographie) yann jouannic

Yann Jouannic est âgé de 35 ans, frère de Sterenn, et vit à Paris. Diplômé de l'Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Montpellier, contrôleur de gestion, photographe à ses heures perdues, il s'est évadé d'une voie toute tracée pour vivre de ses passions. Régisseur de cinéma depuis 2004, voyageur depuis toujours.

Yann Jouannic, 35 years old, Sterenn's brother, lives in Paris. Gratuated from Montpellier Business School, Finance Controller, photographer during his spare time, escaped a mapped out path to live on his passions. Location manager in the movie industry since 2004, traveller since ever. Contact



Martine Bilodeau (peinture)

Martine Bilodeau grew up in Quebec. In her early 20s, while living in the Black Forest area of Germany, she became inspired by the first and second generation abstract expressionists, particularly Richter. Her working career began in 3D design and production for TV and commercial venues, as well as the theatre.

After moving to the west coast, she earned a Business Degree from SFU and then entered the movie industry as a scenic artist. She has worked on numerous notable productions. Martine’s paintings, inspired by her love of nature, have been widely exhibited locally as well as in the US, Germany and Thailand. Contact


martine bilodeau

Mise à jour/ updated le 15 février 2012